Is a Vegan Diet Healthy for My Dog?

Are you considering a vegan diet for your dog? Do you need recommendations for quality vegan dog food? Do you have questions and concerns like, ‘Is a vegan diet healthy for my dog?’ or ‘What are the sources of protein for a vegan dog?’

Consider this…


There are many reasons a person may choose a vegan lifestyle. Some people make the switch for animal rights, some people have dietary needs that only a vegan diet can satisfy, others want to lower their cholesterol levels, and some want to reduce their risk of heart disease and cancer.

Vegan pet owners may want the same vegan diet for their dog! But the real question is,

can my dog go vegan?

Whether your dog has strict dietary needs or you want your dog to be as humane as you are, it’s important to know the ins and outs of a vegan dog lifestyle!

Are Dogs Omnivores?

The short answer is yes, depending on allergies! If your dog is allergic to plant-based foods that provide essential proteins and minerals, the vegan lifestyle may not be realistic for your dog.

Dogs have many of the same qualities you find in omnivorous animals, including humans! 

To start, not only does your dog have sharp, pointy teeth at the front of the mouth to cut meat, but your dog has flat teeth near the back of the mouth to grind and crush plant food! These are canines and molars. This sharp-tooth/flat-tooth combination is a key sign of an omnivore.

Also, the small intestines in dogs and humans are almost identical in function and length. In dogs the average length is 13ft and 20ft for humans. This organ is important for the digestion and nutrient absorption of plant-based foods as well as meat.

In addition, dogs can properly convert relevant plants into vitamin A. This is essential for cell growth, vision, and your dogs immune system.

Finally, dogs can digest almost all carbohydrates they eat.

Ok. So what? Dogs are omnivores…

You’re right, we only proved that dogs can safely benefit from consuming animal products as well as plants. The question remains!

Can my dog go vegan?

Dogs can consume a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and carbohydrates! These will provide your dog with the proper vitamins & minerals that are essential to energy, metabolism, digestion, glucose production, enzyme functions, neurological function, and so much more. To find out more about what goes into healthy dog food click here!

Humans can live a full healthy life on a vegan diet, and we know humans and dogs are both omnivores, as we examined earlier. This means that, with the proper vegan foods, dogs can get everything they need from their food without animal products in their food.

Now, I know what some of you may be thinking, “Humans that live a vegan lifestyle aren’t healthy!” Well, this is a topic for a different day (and a different blog!).

The reality is, a vegan lifestyle isn’t new and a healthy vegan diet may reduce the risk of developing cancer, according to this article by Andrea S. Blevins Primeau, PhD, MBA of I would also like to point out that the increase in vegan bodybuilders and athletes shows that people on a vegan diet obviously get the proper proteins, vitamins, and minerals to live a strong and healthy life!

You may also be thinking, “Humans and dogs have different needs. Just because a vegan diet may be beneficial for humans, doesn’t mean the same for dogs.”

You’re right. It may not be healthier. But if your dog has allergies to animal foods you may not have a choice.

Furthermore, if you believe a vegan diet is more humane AND your dog can live a long, healthy life enjoying meatless meals and vegan treats… I suppose the question is why not?!

Okay! But where is the protein coming from?

If you look on the ingredient list of your vegan/vegetarian dog food you may find the following sources of protein:

Soy protein or textured vegetable protein, soy beans, chick peas and garbanzo beans, lentils, peas and split peas, pea protein and potato protein, brown rice, quinoa, corn, oats or oat groats, barley, and buckwheat.

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