Is your cat stressed or acting out of the ordinary? Maybe your cat is urinating out of the litter box or straining. My cat, Jasmine, went through a stressful experience. After many vet visits, tests, and a lot of money, she was diagnosed with… stress! Our vet made some recommendations, including Feliway, so, I bought and prayed! Here is my Feliway Cat Diffuser review 🙂
What is Feliway Cat Diffuser?
The product I use is a diffuser that plugs into any electrical outlet. When plugged in, pheromones are released into the air that send comforting “natural messages” to your cat. This can help with stress, urinating outside the box, scratching, and creating harmony between cats.
How Feliway Helped me
As I said, my cat was stressed. She was urinating outside the box and straining. Jasmine just wasn’t acting like herself, not as playful as she usually was. I was SHOCKED that the vet’s recommendation was a cat calming diffuser and some cat calming treats.

Within ONE DAY of using Feliway Cat Calming Diffuser, Jasmine was urinating in her litter box and not straining! It only took a few days and she was even acting like her old self, playing with her sister and her toys 🙂
Feliway Pros
- Feliway Cat Diffuser is easy to use! Simply twist the vial into the diffuser and plug it in!
- Odorless! “Natural messages” are released in the air called pheromones that help comfort your cat.
- Only the cats can sense the pheromones. There is no affect on humans or dogs!
- One diffuser is good for 700 sq. ft.
- One vial/refill lasts 30 days!
Feliway Cons
- Initial cost in stores was more than I wanted. But Chewy is cheaper! (even cheaper than Amazon!)
- I have nothing negative to say about this product 🙂
I want to stress that I was not given any free products or compensation to write this Feliway Cat Diffuser Review. Feliway Cat Diffuser was a life saver for me and, with the help of these Cat Calming Treats, Jasmine was back to normal!

I highly recommend this product!