OK! These two have quite the story So strap yourself in and get ready!
We will start with Bumble!
His mother, Mama June, was an abandoned adult bun that our good friend found outside of his office building. He brought the rabbit to us, since we worked with Luv-N-Bunns Rabbit Rescue before, and we promised to house her until we found a forever home for her!

It was early June, 2015. My wife had just come home from a trial make-up and hair styling for our wedding, scheduled for the end of June. I was not home for this experience. My wife looked in Mama June’s pen and saw her Timothy Hay Bungalow full of fur. She freaked out! What happened?!
When she reached in, she found 6 baby bunnies snuggled together. To this day, she describes it as one of the most amazing experiences of her life.
Bumble, and his 5 siblings, came into our lives that day in early June. At the time, our only pets were one dog and two bunnies!
More about Mama June and her babies coming soon!
Bumble is an Angora rabbit. His hair grows WILD and he looks like a big white fluff ball! Hence the name Bumble (from the claymation Rudolph movie).

Bumble needs to be groomed regularly! If he is not taken care of properly, terrible mats form and pull away from his skin.
We knew that we needed to keep this one bunny. How could we trust anyone else to make sure Bumble was in good hands? He was officially our pet now
Now Judy the Giant!
I was visiting my mother and needed to stop at a local pet store. There I saw 3 beautiful bunnies labeled as FREE! This is a long story for another time (coming soon I promise!).
Long story short I ended up taking the 3 free bunnies and we fostered them and eventually found them a home
During this process the manager of the pet store took my information because I told him we worked with a rabbit rescue, Luv-N-Bunns! A short few days later he contacted me about fostering a giant named Judy. Her owners had called the pet store to give Judy up for one reason or another… allergies or finances or something along those lines.
I was hesitant because at the time it was the winter of 2018 and we had 5 dogs, 3 rabbits, and about 4 foster rabbits in our house! How could we possibly foster another?
Well… we did! This time it was my call. I went to the house and picked this beautiful giant up.

Judy was perfect. She was basically what people expect from a dog! Coming right up to you, wanting pets and love. And boy was she big! You can see a picture of Judy next to one of our dogs, Cici, who has since passed.

It as obvious that Bumble needed a friend! He has been a lone bun for quite some time. We gave him as much human love as we could, but nothing compares to having a love-bun!
We also knew that Judy was amazing. We loved her. And my wife had always wanted a giant! So the bonding sessions began…

Bumble & Judy weren’t quite love at first site. But they definitely got along well for the most part. It took a few bonding sessions to get them comfortable with each other.
About a week or so later, they were basically fully bonded and loving roommates! I made a special home for them out of an old piece of furniture with a side entry to a big enclosed “yard” and they loved it